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Astronomy Adventures Arizona

Chuck Dugan, Owner, Astronomy Adventures Arizona


Chuck Dugan has lived in Tucson since 1968, graduating from Palo Verde HS and the University of Arizona with a degree in Management Information Systems.  Though working as a systems analyst for 25 years, his life-long passion for astronomy brought him to the National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO) and the Kitt Peak Nightly Observing Program in 2002.


At NOAO, Chuck worked with schools and teachers from all over Arizona as part of the Education and Public Outreach department.  He’s been a member of the Tucson Amateur Astronomy Association, and a Solar System Ambassador for NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory.  From 2006 until 2014 he coordinated “Project ASTRO” in Tucson – a nationwide network that partners astronomers with teachers to bring hands-on astronomy and science to the classroom.


Chuck often speaks and hosts activities at local communities, businesses, star parties, and astronomy clubs focusing on astronomy, science education, and dark sky resources.  For 12 years he was a Lead Guide in the highly regarded Nightly Observing Program at the Kitt Peak National Observatory hosting visitors from all across the planet.  While Chuck continues to volunteer with teachers and students in Arizona classrooms, he now brings astronomy directly to the public through AAAZ, the website, and since 2005 through his Quarterly Astronomy Newsletter.


To start your own Astronomy Adventure, please visit the rest of our website,, or you can start by sending email to Chuck at

Astronomy Adventures Arizona
Astronomy Adventures Arizona

Welcome to Astronomy Adventures Arizona!


Whether you're buying a telescope or just picking out accessories, we can make it happen.   Planning a trip or tour?  Maybe you’d like to schedule a personalized observing session.  Whatever your desire, we can help to make your astronomy adventure a wonderful reality.


Southern Arizona is called “The Astronomy Capital of the World” for good reason. It’s not just because of the many observatories based here.  It’s not that the University of Arizona in Tucson is one of the best astronomy schools in the world.  It’s not just that the world-famous Kitt Peak National Observatory near Tucson is home to the only “national” observatory in the United States, attracting tens of thousands of visitors and astronomers from all over the world each year.  It’s not even because of the scores of astronomy clubs, organizations, and events that are always available to residents and visitors. 


You see, all of this is only the result; it’s the weather that makes all of this star-gazing possible.  Tucson has over 280 days of sunshine every year.  And, if you consider that the two months of July and August make up our monsoon season, when most of the precipitation arrives, it means that for the other ten months there is very little chance that cloudy weather will ruin your star-gazing plans.   And, while it's true that summer days can be “surface-of-the-Sun-hot,” even at our warmest we have comfortable, clear, and bug-free nights after sunset!  That’s what makes Arizona an observing playground, and the perfect place for anyone to enjoy an astronomy adventure.  Let us help you discover yours.

Meet the telescopes in Astronomy Adventures Arizona's family. With new instruments, updated equipment, and exciting, educational activities we're set for any observing program. Check out the gallery above to meet our newest family members, then contact us and tell us how AAAZ can tailor an Astronomy Adventure for you or your group.

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